IT Administrator

Medizinische, soziale und Gesundheitssorge

  • Install, maintain, and provide support for hardware and software systems, including PCs, servers, storage solutions, networks, IP phones, and printers
  • Offer technical assistance, training, and create documentation to empower employees in using IT systems and tools effectively
  • Install, configure, and oversee the performance of hardware, software, and network infrastructure to ensure smooth and uninterrupted operations
  • Continuously monitor system performance, perform routine maintenance, and implement improvements to enhance overall efficiency
  • Deliver ongoing technical support, training, and documentation to ensure employees make the most of IT resources and tools
  • Windows 10 Administration, Server 2016/2019
  • Linux (Debian, CentOS)
  • Network knowledge, L2/L3, DNS, DHCP
  • Development of VBS, Python, BASH, PHP automation scripts
  • You have the ability to analyze, summarize and manage projects
  • Fluency in French and English
  • A degree in computer science or similar/relevant degree (BAC+2 to BAC+3)
Organisations- und Abteilungsbeschreibung Our client, present within the healthcare industry of Luxembourg, is looking for an IT Administrator to join the team, support and grow the existing infrastructure within the company.Angebot If this is something you are interested in – please apply!
Bitte beachten Sie, dass für Ihre Bewerbung eine gültige luxemburgische Arbeitserlaubnis erforderlich ist. Bewerber ohne diese Unterlagen können nicht berücksichtigt werden. Wenn Sie diese Anforderung nicht erfüllen, müssen wir Ihnen leider mitteilen, dass wir Ihre Bewerbung nicht bearbeiten können.
Haben Sie noch Fragen?
Sebastian Doltu Senior Recruiter +352 20 30 13 14
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