Global Business Development Manager

luxembourgILuft- und Raumfahrt

FunktionsbeschreibungThe Role:
  • In depth understanding and execution of the go to market strategy to promote revenue, profitability, and growth.
  • Understand and influence market trends, customer segmentation and competitor activity, to determine target customer and sales planning per locations, segments, and service lines.
  • Provide market intelligence feedback. Support generic business planning and general planning & execution processes
  • Assess, validate market strategy needs for differentiated global/regional services
  • Develop sales pipeline forecasting for both existing products and services along with new ideas for improvement and innovation to influence investment decisions.
  • Identify commercial leads, elaborate client proposals, negotiate offers, execute sales, and manage relationships with existing and potential customers.
  • Negotiate and close contracts – simplify the complex
ProfilThe Profile:
  • 2 + years’ experience in the sales and business development ideally in tech or space.
  • Must have experience developing new business across Europe.
  • Strategic Thinker with a Hunter Mentality and strong prospecting skills.
  • Ability to design and implement a business development strategy aligned with overall corporate goals
  • Ability to manage external account projects, while managing internal process and aligning key resources
Organisations- und AbteilungsbeschreibungOur client, a key player in the Space industry, are actively seeking a Global Manager for Business Development for their Luxembourg office. This role will play a vital role in the company’s growth and strategy forwards. The ideal candidate has experience in a tech start up. Angebot competitive
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Breanna Schaefer-O’Reilly Country Manager
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