Fund Controller

luxembourgIAuditing, Buchhaltung


The Role:
  • Assistance in the coordination of external audits
  • Preparation of quarterly and annual financial statements
  • Create and review partner capital calls, monthly and quarterly partner capital statements including calculation of partner allocations
  • Calculate and review waterfall models, distribution notices, and management fees
  • Onboarding new clients
  • Build and maintain relationships with one or more clients, managing client expectations, and meeting all client deliverables
  • Provide training and mentoring to the Accountants and Senior Accountants
  • Review Accountants and Senior Accountants work
  • Help manage year-end audit process and support external auditors and tax teams with requested financials
  • Participate in client planning meetings
  • Complete client ad hoc projects
ProfilThe Profile:
  • Bachelor's degree in accounting or related field OR ACA / ACCA or other related Certification
  • 4 or more years of accounting/audit experience
  • Experience within PE
  • Strong knowledge of industry and accounting principles
  • Demonstrated experience supervising and managing a team of Accountants\Senior Accountants
Organisations- und AbteilungsbeschreibungWe have been exclusively mandated to support our client in their growth in Luxembourg. Our client, a leader in the fund solutions space are actively seeking a Fund Controller for their Luxembourg office. This role will play a vital role in the company’s growth and strategy forwards. Angebot Competitive
Bitte beachten Sie, dass für Ihre Bewerbung eine gültige luxemburgische Arbeitserlaubnis erforderlich ist. Bewerber ohne diese Unterlagen können nicht berücksichtigt werden. Wenn Sie diese Anforderung nicht erfüllen, müssen wir Ihnen leider mitteilen, dass wir Ihre Bewerbung nicht bearbeiten können.
Haben Sie noch Fragen?
Breanna Schaefer-O’Reilly Country Manager
Fund Controller Informationen zur Stellenanzeige
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